Implementation of Telework in Response to Coronavirus

In response to the spread of the new coronavirus, The Nippon Foundation has implemented telework for all head-office employees from Tuesday, March 17, 2020, until further notice.

All departments will continue to respond to telephone calls and emails as usual, but some telephone calls may not go through.

If your telephone call does not go through properly, please contact the Call Center as shown below.

Also please note that the Call Center will be operating with reduced hours during this time.

  • Email:

We apologize for this temporary inconvenience and ask for your understanding.

In response to the spread of the new coronavirus, The Nippon Foundation implemented the following temporary measures from Thursday, February 20, 2020, to ensure the safety of its employees and other related persons.

1. Implementation of flexible working hours

To reduce the risk of infection through physical contact while using public transportation during peak hours, four staggered options for working hours were introduced.

2. Implementation of telework (working from home) for:

  • Employees with a family member or person living in close proximity who has been infected with the new coronavirus
  • Employees who are pregnant
  • Employees with children whose schools have been closed
  • Employees who live with a newborn infant or older person who requires nursing care, etc.

3. Others

  • Non-urgent and non-essential business trips and work outside the office were curtailed to the extent possible.
  • In principle, meetings and events involving 10 or more people were cancelled.
  • Meetings that did not require face-to-face contact were held by telephone or video conferencing.
  • Employees were requested to wash their hands and gargle regularly, use alcohol-based sanitizers, and wear face masks.

Additional enhanced measures were implemented from Tuesday, March 17, 2020, in response to the World Health Organization’s declaration of the outbreak as a pandemic.

1. Enhanced measures

  • Telework (working from home) has been implemented for all employees.
  • In principle, all meetings are being conducted by telephone or video conferencing.
  • In principle, business trips and work outside the office (excluding telework) are cancelled.

2. Other measures

  • Persons with a temperature of 37.0°C or higher are not allowed to enter The Nippon Zaidan Building (temperature is taken at the building’s entrance).
  • All full-time staff are to take their temperature every morning and monitor their physical condition.
  • The staff cafeteria is closed.

In addition, individuals and organizations receiving support from The Nippon Foundation are being reminded to maintain good practices to prevent infection, including washing hands and gargling regularly, coughing etiquette, and the use of alcohol-based sanitizers. At the same time, activities are being curtailed, cancelled, or postponed in accordance with individual circumstances.