Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation
Address: S-260, First Floor, Panchsheel Park, New Delhi – 110017
Year Founded: 2006
Outline of Activities
The Sasakawa India Leprosy Foundation’s goal is to increase social acceptance of persons cured of leprosy and their families through the dissemination of scientific information, and to create conditions that will enable them to have equal access to economic opportunities.
The foundation works toward enabling people cured of leprosy to regain independent and sustainable means of livelihood through measures that enhance their skills and abilities to access market opportunities. It does this by helping leprosy-affected people and their children gain access to education, providing them with feasible livelihood training, arranging for microfinance opportunities, and putting self-help groups in touch with other NGOs and charitable organizations.
SILF also works to raise awareness among different segments of society, to counter social and economic discrimination against people affected by leprosy.