Foundation for Encouragement of Social Contribution
Address: 1-18-6-801 Nishi-shinbashi, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan
Year Founded: 1971
Outline of Activities
The Foundation for Encouragement of Social Contribution (FESCO) publicizes good works and heroic actions that largely go unnoticed by the press and society.
The central activity of the foundation is the annual FESCO award. The award ceremony serves as a platform for reaching the national media with news about the many individuals whose selfless actions have served to aid both those around them and society in general.
Each year, roughly 30 awardees are selected from among hundreds of candidates, for prizes in recognition of acts of valor, long years of social contribution, and specific fields like maritime safety and environmental protection. Recipients in recent years have received a monetary prize of 500,000 yen, donated by The Nippon Foundation.