幡ヶ谷公衆トイレ(マイルス・ぺニントン氏/東京大学DLXデザインラボ)が完成日本財団「THE TOKYO TOILET」プロジェクト


日本財団は、誰もが快適に利用できる公共トイレを渋谷区内17カ所に設置するプロジェクト「THE TOKYO TOILET」を実施しています。このたび、15カ所目となる幡ヶ谷公衆トイレ(デザイン:マイルス・ぺニントン氏/東京大学DLXデザインラボ、住所:渋谷区幡ヶ谷3-37-8)を設置しました。本トイレの一般利用は2月22日(水)より開始しています。


クリエイター マイルス・ペニントン氏から



DLX Design Lab’s philosophy is collaboration, sharing and exploration. So, when we were offered the chance to take part in this wonderful Tokyo Toilet project we saw it as an amazing chance for students to work alongside designers, architects and expert faculty members to develop ideas based on research with the community and to rethink what the public toilet might be. This is a community space that happens to have toilets too! We would love the community in Sasazuka and Hatagaya to make use of the space, as a gallery, a meeting location, or whatever they would like it to be. Bring it to life and as far as the toilets are concerned, let nature take its course!

幡ヶ谷公衆トイレコンセプト【…With Toilet】

公共トイレが地域コミュニティの中心であろうとしたことが今まであったでしょうか。しばしば公共トイレは使われなくなり、地域にとっての価値を失い、次第に忘れさられてしまいます。そうさせないために私たちは「…With Toilet」をつくりました。公共トイレに別の機能をもつ空間を組み合わせた建築で、その第二の空間は全ての人達がさまざまな用途に活用できます。展示スペース、ポップアップストア、情報センター、待合所など、地域コミュニティの中心として役立てられることを期待しています。

建築デザイン:東京大学生産技術研究所 今井公太郎研究室、本間健太郎研究室

…With Toilet
Does a public toilet ever try to be the center of attention in a local community? Public toilets can often become underused, lose their value to people and gradually forgotten. To try and reverse that trend we created ‘…With Toilet’. It is a public toilet combined with an additional functional space which can be used for various purposes by everyone. We hope that it will be used as an exhibition space, pop-up kiosk, small information center or a cozy meeting space, and become the center of the local community.

Architectural design: Kotaro Imai laboratory and Kentaro Honma laboratory from IIS, The University of Tokyo

マイルス・ペニントン氏プロフィール(Miles Pennington)


Miles Pennington is professor of Design Led Innovation and helps direct a unique international innovation lab at The University of Tokyo – the DLX Design Lab. Previously he was at the Royal College of Art in London and was Head of Programme of the Innovation Design Engineering (IDE) joint Masters programme with Imperial College – he is an alumnus of the IDE programme and graduated in 1992. He was also founder and head of the international exchange programme Global Innovation Design (GID). In the past in parallel to his academic work he was a Director of the London office of the innovation consultancy Takram. He moved to Japan in September 2017 to join The University of Tokyo.
